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Published on 16/07/2024

5 tips to boost your sales by fine-tuning your mobile strategy

In today’s digital age, mobile devices have become an integral part of our daily lives. According to Statista, over 96% of internet users worldwide now access the internet¹ via mobile devices. This shift has not only transformed the digital landscape but also the way businesses interact with their customers. Mobile digital marketing is no longer just an option; it’s essential for any successful marketing strategy. The ability to reach a mobile-focused audience is what separates thriving businesses from those just getting by. In this article, we’ll explore the transformative power of mobile digital marketing strategies and how they can drive sales and create a stronger connection with your audience.

5 tips to boost your sales by fine-tuning your mobile strategy 5 tips to boost your sales by fine-tuning your mobile strategy

Understanding the importance of mobile digital marketing

  • The surge in mobile internet use

    The explosive growth in mobile internet usage has revolutionised consumer behaviour. People now rely heavily on their smartphones for everything from shopping to entertainment. This shift makes it essential for businesses to embrace mobile-centric strategies. By understanding how people use their mobile devices, companies can tailor their marketing efforts to be more effective and engaging, reaching customers where they spend most of their time.
  • The impact of mobile marketing on consumer behaviour

    Mobile marketing has drastically changed how consumers behave. Today’s customers expect a seamless, personalised experience across all digital platforms, especially on mobile. This shift has pushed businesses to rethink their strategies, focusing on delivering targeted content that resonates with mobile users. Personalised push notifications, SMS marketing, and location-based services have become crucial tools for influencing consumer decisions and boosting customer engagement.
  • The benefits of a mobile strategy

    Embracing a mobile-focused strategy offers numerous benefits for businesses. This approach ensures increased accessibility, allowing for instant interaction and engagement with customers. It also enhances the user experience, resulting in higher conversion rates and greater customer loyalty. By prioritising the mobile, businesses can harness the power of real-time marketing, reaching their audience with personalised and relevant content exactly when and where it matters most.


Understanding the importance of mobile digital marketing

5 tips for an effective mobile marketing approach

  1. Understand your audience to craft the right strategy

    Developing an effective mobile marketing strategy starts with knowing your audience. This means delving into your customer data to uncover their preferences, behaviours, and habits. With a deep understanding of your audience, you can tailor your mobile marketing efforts to achieve the best results.
  2. SMS marketing: engage customers via messages

    SMS marketing is a direct and personal way to reach your customers. With a staggering 98% open rate in 20222, it's one of the most effective communication methods. Use SMS to promote special offers, send reminders, or provide personalised customer service. This strategy is not only cost-effective but also drives high engagement rates, making it an essential tool in your mobile marketing toolkit.
  3. Social media marketing: engage customers where they spend their time

    Social media platforms are a treasure trove for mobile marketers. With billions of users accessing these platforms on their mobile devices, businesses have an unprecedented opportunity to connect with a broad audience. To make your social media marketing effective, focus on creating engaging content, actively participating in conversations, and leveraging platform-specific features like stories, live videos, and shopping tabs. This strategy helps you build a robust online presence and nurture loyalty among your followers.
  4. In-app marketing: promote products within mobile applications

    In-app marketing involves advertising directly within mobile applications. This can range from banner ads to more integrated approaches like sponsored content or in-app purchases. The key to effective in-app marketing is relevance and personalisation. By understanding user behaviour within the app, you can tailor your ads to align with their interests and preferences, boosting engagement and conversion rates.
  5. Offer a range of payment solutions to boost conversions

    At the final stage of the customer journey, offering diverse payment solutions can significantly enhance your conversion rates. The checkout process is a pivotal moment in the user experience.

    To maximise conversions, ensure your checkout page is optimised. For example, avoid requiring your prospects to register on your site during checkout. A streamlined, efficient checkout process increases the likelihood of turning abandoned carts into successful sales.

    Moreover, provide various payment methods on your e-commerce platform, including CB4, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal and FLOA's Buy Now Pay Later.

    Offer payment in instalments: the FLOA Pay solution

    By providing payment options in 35 or 45 instalments, you enable your customers to spread their expenses over a timeframe that suits them. This flexibility is increasingly valued: nearly 7 out of 10 Europeans use BNPL, and 6 out of 10 users would be willing to switch brands to take advantage of it3! It's a powerful tool for boosting conversions and customer loyalty.


    Our offer is highly praised by consumers. We provide a comprehensive solution of up to €6,000, along with recognized full support (voted Customer Service Provider of the Year 2024)5.  

    To get in touch with us, click HERE


5 tips for an effective mobile marketing approach

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