A loan is a binding commitment and must be repaid. Please ensure that you are able to make the repayments before committing yourself.


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We are FLOA

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A leading solution

Leader in Buy Now Pay Later in France, FLOA makes life easier for consumers by offering payments in instalments, mini credits, and bank cards.

See our solutions

For all merchants and fintechs

FLOA has partnered with major (online) merchants (Cdiscount, Oscaro, SFR, Vide dressing, etc.), key players in the travel sector (Selectour, Misterfly, Cdiscount Voyages, Pierre et Vacances, etc.), and fintechs (Lydia, Bankin, Joe), and works to develop customised services for them.

See all FLOA partners

Simplicity in our DNA

FLOA products and services stand out for their ease-of-use for customers and fast integration for partners. FLOA has more than 4 million customers and finances over 2.5 billion euros of products and services every year. FLOA was elected Best Customer Service Provider for the year 2022.

Learn more about FLOA

All about Buy Now Pay Later

FLOA X Kantar

Buy Now Pay Later is all the rage in Europe.

Learn more about the study

FLOA key figures

2.8 Billion

in production in 2021

+4 million


15 million

FLOA transactions completed in 2021


partners and points of sale

Media kit and press pack

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