A loan is a binding commitment and must be repaid. Please ensure that you are able to make the repayments before committing yourself.


How the solutions work

Installing the solutions

FLOA merchant portal

FLOA support

FLOA 3X and 4X payment

FLOA Pay Later

General questions on all FLOA products

  • How does FLOA’s Buy Now Pay Later solution work?


  • What are the FLOA 3X and 4X payments?

    This payment solution is reserved for individuals (adult natural persons) living in the UK and holding a Visa or Mastercard bank card with an expiry date that covers the entire duration of the financing.

    Throughout this fast and secure 100% online process, no supporting documents will be requested.

    Maestro, NP6, Revolut, Nickel, American Express and Electron cards are not accepted.

  • How does the 3-instalment payment by bank card work?

    The payment in 3 instalments by bank card is a split payment over 3 monthly instalments, as per the schedule below:

    • 1st payment is processed on the day the order is confirmed: one third of the total amount.
    • 2nd payment is processed 30 days after the order is confirmed: one third of the total amount.
    • 3rd payment is processed 60 days after the order is confirmed: one third of the total amount.

    The extra fees are charged to the customer or to the merchant.

    If paid by the customer, the extra fees are divided across the 3 due dates.

  • How does the 4-instalment payment by bank card work?

    The payment in 4 instalments by bank card is a split payment over 4 monthly instalments, as per the schedule below:

    • 1st payment is processed on the day the order is confirmed: one forth of the total amount.
    • 2nd payment is processed 30 days after the order is confirmed: one forth of the total amount.
    • 3rd payment is processed 60 days after the order is confirmed: one forth of the total amount.
    • 4th and final payment is processed 90 days after the order is confirmed: one forth of the total amount.

    The extra fees are charged to the customer or to the merchant.

    If paid by the customer, the extra fees are divided across the 4 due dates.

  • Can the customer cancel the payment in instalments?

    Your company must proceed on its own with the cancellation, in part or in full, in your tools and send the request in the FLOA app. If a cancellation is processed within the same day, the refund will be sent the following day.

    There are two types of cancellation: full and partial.

    1. In the case of a full cancellation:

    Once the cancellation has been registered in our system, FLOA automatically begins closing the file, and refund(s) of the debits, with the extra fees, are issued to the customer the following day.

    Keep in mind:

    • Refunds are always made to the card provided on the day of the order.
    • If the customer has changed bank cards, however, it is still possible to receive the refund.
    • We may issue several refunds for the same order cancellation (refund of each instalment).
    1. In the case of a partial cancellation:

     Once the cancellation has been registered in our system:

          1/ If the cancellation amount is greater than the instalments already paid, FLOA issues a refund equal to these paid amounts to the customer’s bank card and closes the file.

          2/ If the cancellation amount is less than the instalments already paid, FLOA readjusts the customer’s payment schedule automatically.

    Keep in mind:

    In the case of a partial cancellation, FLOA will not refund the extra fees to the customer.

  • Can a customer prepay a 3X or 4X payment?

    For FLOA 3X or 4X payments, customers are not able to prepay the amount financed.

  • For FLOA 3X or 4X payments, customers are not able to prepay the amount financed.

    This is simply a “pending charge” the bank applies to the customer’s credit card at the time of purchase to ensure enough funds are available to place the order. When and how the “pending charge” is removed depends on the general terms and conditions of sale of the customer’s banking institute. In general, the process takes 7 business days.

    If the customer would like more information on this topic, his or her banking advisor may explain the process in more detail. 

  • A customer has been refused for a 3X or 4X payment; can you override this decision?

    As stipulated in your general terms and conditions, the FLOA Pay solutions is a commercial offering that is subject to eligibility criteria.

    • If a customer is refused during a subscription request, this refusal is final. 
    • Refusal is not necessarily related to the customer, who may have sufficient funds in his or her account and no prior banking incidents. This time, the customer is not able to use a split payment option. He or she may be eligible for a future order, however.
  • What is FLOA Pay Later?

    FLOA Pay Later enables customers to pay for their order in full 30 days after it is confirmed.

    On the day of the purchase, the customer pays nothing (but a pending charge is applied to confirm the validity of the bank card).

    The customer pays the total amount of the order plus the extra fees 30 days after the order is confirmed.

  • What if the customer changes their bank card?

    Your customers may easily change their bank card directly on the FLOA customer space accessible via: https://particuliers.floapay.com

    Note that the card may be changed only if the charge is currently being processed or is expected to be processed within 7 days. Otherwise, the customer will need to wait a few days after their next due date. We will send them an e-mail inviting them to pay the balance with their new bank card.

  • How does the customer access their payment schedule?

    Your customer can find all their schedules in their FLOA customer account accessible via: https://particuliers.floapay.com

  • What if my customer wants to contact FLOA customer relations?

    You may invite your customer to send their request by e-mail to the following address: contact@floa.com

    They may also chat with an advisor from their FLOA customer account accessible via: https://particuliers.floapay.com

  • How do I install FLOA on my e-commerce site?

    You have two options for installing FLOA Pay on your e-commerce site:

    • Via a native FLOA integration with your CMS (Woo Commerce, Magento, PrestaShop)
    • Via API
    • Via your PSP

    For the in-store channel, no installation or specific development is required.

  • How do I use FLOA Pay solutions in store?

    No installation is required to use FLOA Pay solutions in store. From the FLOA MERCHANT PORTAL, you can simulate and enter a payment in instalments quickly and easily.


    Watch a demo of our in-store payment in instalments solution: https://youtu.be/Z9Fp0GSHYsU 

  • What is the FLOA Merchant Portal?

    The FLOA Merchant Portal integrates the following features:

    • Payment schedule simulations, potential costs to customers, and costs of financing for the merchant relating to an order.
    • Create an order,
    • Manage your orders: view all past financing,
    • Cancel a past order, partially or in full,
    • Extract financing logs form a specified date,
    • Access the user manual.
  • How do I get my login info for the FLOA Merchant Portal?

    We will send it to you by e-mail when the FLOA solutions are activated on your website.

  • How can I modify my information on the FLOA Pay portal?

    To modify your information on your account, please create a JIRA account via: https://cb4x.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1

    From here, you can request to modify your information using the “integration support” ticket.

  • How do I provide my customer with a payment simulation?

    From the drop-down menu on the “Payment simulation” tab, or from the homepage directly, enter the desired amount to generate a simulation.

    You will see the monthly instalment amounts and the total cost of financing, including any potential extra fees for the customer. 

  • How do I do a financing simulation?

    In the drop-down menu, click “Simulations” then “Financing”, and enter the desired amount. You will see a description of your financing in instalments, including:

    • The total cost: total amount plus any potential extra fees for the customer,
    • Transaction fees charged to you
    • The financing amount (for your customer), which is the difference between the total amount and the transaction fees charged to you.


  • In the drop-down menu, click “Simulations” then “Financing”, and enter the desired amount. You will see a description of your financing in instalments, including: - The total cost: total amount plus any potential extra fees for the customer, - Transactions fees charged to you, - The financing amount (for your customer), which is the difference between the total amount and the transaction fees charged to you.

    From the FLOA Merchant Portal, you can create an order by logging in to your partner account. Once logged in, go to the “Create an order” tab, then complete the following steps:

    • Enter the customer information,
    • Enter the order information and view the payment schedule for your instalments,
    • Access the FLOA payment page,
    • Confirm your 3DS login on your mobile app,
    • You will be redirected to the FLOA Merchant for the approval or refusal of the payment.


  • How do I see my order?

    In the “Manage orders” tab, you can see your order details by clicking on the eye symbol. Here, you have access to the order details, its reference number, status and the associated technical information.

    You may also consult the contact information for the customer who placed the order.

  • What if I want to cancel my order?

    In the “Manage orders” tab, when you search your orders, two types of cancellations are available:

    For a “full” order cancellation, your bank issues a refund systematically to the original bank card used, equal to the amount of payment due dates already debited. FLOA will reimburse the customer fees, and any upcoming payment due dates will be cancelled.

    For a “partial” order cancellation (order modification), your bank issues a refund to the original bank card used, if the cancellation amount is greater than the amount of unpaid due dates. FLOA does not refund the customer fees in the event of a partial cancellation, and any upcoming payment due dates will be cancelled.

  • How do I know if the order has been approved or refused?


    Below are some definitions to help you understand the status of your order: 

    • Authorisation in progress: The customer has initiated the payment session but has not yet paid in full. They stopped before entering the banking information or failed to enter the 3DS code.
    • Authorised: The customer has completed the first step of the payment session but has not yet paid in full. If the customer provided an invalid 3DS code, the order will be refused.
    • Collected: Whether via the classic 3X, 4X, Pay Later or 3X Pay Later journey, or the 10X journey, FLOA financed the purchase. The customer is waiting for a response from their bank for the order to be “officially” debited. The first monthly instalment is collected by the merchant and the commissions by FLOA.
    • Debited: The order is approved with a response from the customer’s bank.
    • Refused: two cases may occur:
      • Case of 3X, 4X, Pay Later 1X, Pay Later 3X:
        - The customer provides incorrect banking information on the payment page. They are given three attempts to enter the correct information. If the error persists, the order cannot be processed (card limit, insufficient funds, expired bank card) and is thus refused.
      • Cancellation in progress: The customer completed an order which was approved, and the merchant requested to have it cancelled.
      • Cancelled: The customer completed an order which was approved but then cancelled.
      • Cancelled, Collected: The order was cancelled after the first monthly instalment had been collected.

    I just cancelled an order but cannot view the information.

    To verify whether your cancellation request has been received, please press the F5 key to refresh your page.


  • What does the refusal code mean?

    The return codes below have been defined to help you better understand why an order has been refused:

    • Code 0: (Payment OK):
      • in the case of the 3X, 4X or the bank’s pending charge is OK.
      • For the PAY LATER journey, this status triggers the merchant financing, sending of e-mails, etc.
    • Code 1: (Refused in the long credit journey): this refusal is generated by FLOA.
    • Code 2 (Payment refused): refusal may be from the customer’s bank, from FLOA for unauthorised card, Flagging, fraud, and refusal of our transaction tool.
    • Code 4: (Status undetermined): Equivalent to an ERROR. The payment must be considered as refused.
    • Code 5 (Cancelled): The customer has abandoned the process partway through. This is specific to journeys with over 4 instalments (also known as long-term credit (CCL)). In this case, the generates a code 7. The customer may submit a new file


  • Where do I find my financing?

    You will find the financing of each order in the “accounting document” tab. You may filter the results by date, order number, etc.

    If you have any questions, you may contact the FLOA accounting department at: daffloapay@floa.fr

  • How long does it take to send a transfer?

    For payments in 3 and 4 instalments, the transfer is sent at D+1.

  • For payments in 3 and 4 instalments, the transfer is sent at D+1.

    FLOA will assign you a single contact person to provide everyday assistance after integration.



  • Do you provide marketing materials to boost sales?

    FLOA offers its partners:

    • a POS kit to boost in-store sales
    • a web kit containing all the customisable graphic elements to promote the solution on your e-commerce site
    • UX support to increase your conversion rate and convert your inactive customers
    • communications support 

    For more details, click this link: marketing kit

  • What support does FLOA provide to my customers?

    FLOA provides your customers with a dedicated account from which they may: 

    • Find and download ongoing and past payment schedules,  
    • Update a bank card, 
    • Contact FLOA Customer Support,
    • Pay an amount owing.  
  • What communications does FLOA send to customers?

    FLOA sends your customers payment schedules by e-mail, upon confirming the order and 8 days before each charge is debited.

  • How do I create orders in the FLOA Merchant Portal?

    From the FLOA Merchant Portal, you can create an order by logging in to your partner account. Once logged in, go to the “Create an order” tab, then complete the following steps:

    • Enter the customer information,
    • Enter the order information and view the payment schedule for your instalments,
    • Access the FLOA payment page,
    • Confirm your 3DS login on your mobile app,

    You will be redirected to the FLOA Merchant for the approval or refusal of the payment. 

  • How can your customers settle an outstanding amount ?

    1/ By themselves :

    • They just need to click on the most recent payment link sent to them by e-mail or SMS
    • Via their FLOA Customer Account. By clicking on the link :


    • By sending a check payable to :

    Floa Bank

    Service Recouvrement

    TSA 5001



    2/ By calling us on 0 809 400 111 (calls charged at standard rate). Our lines are open 9am-8pm, Monday to Friday; and 9am-6pm on Saturdays.