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Published on 11/04/2024

Payment in instalments and BNPL with FLOA: Driving conversion for SIBLU and the tourism sector

In the world of e-commerce, every stage of the customer journey is crucial to ensuring successful conversion. Today, we explore how payment in instalments is becoming an essential tool for boosting sales, particularly in the tourism sector. In an interview with FLOA, one of France's leaders in split payment solutions, and SIBLU, a popular campsite operator, we delve into the details of this innovative payment strategy, which can be used, for example, to finance travel. 

Marc Lanvin and Jacques Masson: SIBLU and FLOA expertise

Marc Lanvin, Deputy CEO of FLOA, and Jacques Masson, Director of Holiday Sales Marketing and Operations at SIBLU, share their knowledge and experience in this fascinating interview. 

Payment in instalments and BNPL with FLOA: Driving conversion for SIBLU and the tourism sector Payment in instalments and BNPL with FLOA: Driving conversion for SIBLU and the tourism sector

Payment in instalments with FLOA: a competitive advantage

FLOA is recognised as one of France's leading providers of payment by instalments, offering flexible solutions tailored to the needs of merchants. With thousands of active partners in France and abroad, FLOA has established itself as a trusted partner for companies looking to optimise their payment processes.


Payment in instalments with FLOA: a competitive advantage

Successful integration: key to conversion

Jacques Masson shares his experience of successfully integrating payment in instalments into the SIBLU website, highlighting the importance of anticipation and coordination between the internal and external teams in ensuring a smooth and effective integration.


Successful integration: key to conversion

Coherence and strategy: foundations of success

The key is to rethink the overall strategy to maximise the benefits of payment in instalments. By aligning their general terms and conditions of sale, cancellation insurance and marketing strategy with this payment solution, merchants can create a consistent and satisfying shopping experience for their customers.


 Coherence and strategy: foundations of success

Areas of application for payment in instalments

FLOA and SIBLU highlight the wide range of areas where payment in instalments can be applied. These include travel agencies and campsites that offer payment in 3 or 4 instalments(1) thanks to the split payment option!


Areas of application for payment in instalments

Payment in instalments: a major advantage

In conclusion, payment in instalments is essential as a powerful conversion lever in the tourism sector. By adopting this innovative solution and integrating it strategically into their purchasing process, merchants can not only increase their sales but also build customer loyalty and offer a new shopping experience.


 Payment in instalments: a major advantage

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