A loan is a binding commitment and must be repaid. Please ensure that you are able to make the repayments before committing yourself.

Published on 02/11/2021

What is Black Friday ?

Black Friday has become an important event for retailers. This one-day sale at knock-down prices is now more important than the annual sales for consumers. All fields can be involved (travel, furniture, high-tech, household appliances, fashion, etc.). A successful Black Friday means that you stand out from your competitors and are in pole position to kick off Christmas! Indeed, Black Friday is only four weeks away from Christmas. It is therefore a crucial period for brands. How to ensure a successful Black Friday by optimising the customer journey and experience? Here are 5 key steps to achieve this!

Black Week FLOA Black Week FLOA

Step 1 : Analyse Consumer Needs to Personalise Your Offer

In the run-up to Black Friday 2022, knowing your audience’s expectations is key to building a powerful marketing strategy. To do this, your marketing team should start by analysing the data compiled from Google Analytics and your CRM. Based on the results, you can segment and target the offers in your email campaign to send the right offer to the right customer at the right time. This is the best way to engage your customers.

For example, you could highlight the following offers:

● to your prospects or occasional customers: the Black Friday highlights, and remember the wishlist option;

● to your loyal customers: a new experience by inviting them to an online private sale the day before Black Friday. They will have more options to choose from and will tell their friends and family about it.

Analyse Consumer Needs to Personalise Your Offers

Step 2 : Optimise the mobile-friendly experience for a successful Black Friday

During Black Friday sales, websites experience a huge increase in traffic. You must therefore be prepared for this influx of visitors. How do you go about it? By anticipating two key parameters:

● The loading speed of your website;

● Mobile user experience (UX).

1 out of 2 visitors abandon their navigation on a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load. Paying attention to the mobile ergonomics of your website will therefore help you improve your conversion rate. A mobile-friendly UX makes your visitors’ journey smoother and more efficient. It is an excellent way to build user loyalty.

Combined with the mobile-friendly experience of an e-commerce website, our UX FLOA expertise makes it easier for your customers to navigate through the final stages of the purchasing process. Major e-tailers already trust us: MisterFly, TourCom, LogiTravel, CroisiEurope, etc. Why do they trust us? Because our FLOA offer provides an optimised shopping experience and improves conversion rates.

Optimise the mobile-friendly experience for a successful Black Friday

Step 3 : Manage Your Inventory to Meet Customer Needs

A digital stock management solution is the best alternative for managing the flood of orders and restocking during Black Friday. This way, you can avoid stock outs that can look very bad a few weeks before Christmas. This digital solution optimises your flows. You can control warehouse movements from a single location. Thus, your customers’ orders are dispatched faster. Making your stock management digital gives you a detailed overview of your customer and supplier orders. This means that digitization :

● offers better product localization;

● makes order processing easier;

● and ensures goods picking.

“This gives your company more reliable delivery tracking to give your customers full visibility.”

Manage Your Inventory to Meet Customer Needs

Step 4 : Choose different delivery methods for a successful Black Friday

Each e-commerce website must offer several delivery methods to meet different customer profiles. Several elements should be taken into consideration :

• the price;

• delivery terms;

• and how the packages can be collected.

There is something for everyone, and above all, for every price range. Many Internet users refuse to pay delivery and would rather abandon their shopping cart. Offering them cheap delivery can be the right solution.

Another solution is to offer free delivery over a certain amount: you encourage users to choose additional items to reach the free delivery threshold. The payment in instalments option, detailed in the next section, will be perceived here as a real advantage by your customers to get free delivery.

Also consider offering different delivery options to provide your customers with different choices. They can choose among several companies such as Royal Mail, Parcelforce, UPS, etc. Don’t forget to include local carriers with specific offers for short distances.

Choose different delivery methods for a successful Black Friday

There are 5 delivery options :

  • Home delivery
    The most popular delivery method among Internet users

  • Express or priority delivery
    Within 24 or 48 hours, which is more expensive

  • In-store pick-up
    Click and collect avoids delivery costs

  • Delivery to a pick-up point
    Which is cheaper

  • Appointment delivery
    Which is generally more expensive as it is a personalised service

Step 5 : Choose the right payment methods to make the most out of Black Friday

Offering a variety of payment options on your e-commerce website will boost the likelihood of shopping cart conversions. The payment in instalments solution (BNPL - or Buy Now, Pay Later) is becoming increasingly popular and is appealing to all demographic categories. In fact, more than one French person in three uses this payment solution 1.

The “buy now, pay later” solution has many advantages for your customers :

● they can keep their budget under control;

● they can consume immediately with the possibility of benefiting from promotional offers and reimbursing their purchases later;

● increase their basket by up to x2 and treat themselves more;

● they can avoid the inconvenience of rapidly reaching credit card limits, particularly on high-tech products.

Offering payment in instalments to your customers also has many advantages for you as a business and e-retailer:

● increase your turnover and profitability;

● increase your customers’ loyalty (+25%2 repeat business);

● gain new customers (thanks to the +20%2 boost in conversion rate);

● improve the customer experience.

Choose the right payment methods to make the most out of Black Friday

Switch to the FLOA offer !

Our FLOA offer stands out from our competitors: we provide a complete solution, recognized partner and customer support (voted Customer Service of the Year 2022) and UX expertise that has been awarded on many occasions (Google finance UX awards, CX Awards Gold Prize 2021, etc.).

Thanks to our FLOA offer, your customer can choose to pay in 3 or 4 times, both online and in shop. These innovative, flexible and simple payment solutions are available :

● in 3 and 4X, up to €6,000 free of charge;

To ensure a successful Black Friday and the growth of your business, FLOA is a must-have staggered payment solution. This is the simplest and fastest of the 5 key steps presented in this article. Still not sure? Check out the many testimonials from our partners highlighting their success with the FLOA offer.

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