A loan is a binding commitment and must be repaid. Please ensure that you are able to make the repayments before committing yourself.

Support for SFR & RED

As partner of these two brands, we have implemented solutions and operations customised to their own targets, products and customer journeys.

Partenariat FLOA Pay SFR & RED Partenariat FLOA Pay SFR & RED
Paiement en plusieurs fois Iphone SFR

Omnichannel solutions deployed

Several of our payment solutions have been activated, according to the products and customer journeys provided by SFR and RED: a 4X free solution for RED, 4X and 24X solutions at no fee for SFR. These solutions have been implemented widely and in omnichannel mode: they are available via the internet, customer service, and at 650 integrated and franchised points of sale.
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FLOA support

Each channel has benefited from dedicated support, so as to adapt our tools to their specificities and challenges.

Monthly FRAUD workshop

Sharing attack patterns and current fraud news, so as to optimise the management of fraud and outstanding payments.

Project committee

Working on new segments and/or new business opportunities. E.g. launching of 4X on bare terminals (without subscriptions), launch of 24X financing, etc.

Regular MARKETING workshop

Support for the post-order process, implementation of co-branded commercial operations, and promotion of solutions in the purchase funnel.

Monthly piloting

Sharing all key indicators: acceptance scores, conversion funnels, volumes of activity, transformations.

Monthly DATA workshop

Review of the criteria for the permanent optimisation of scores and boosting merchants’ commercial operations.

Payment solutions at the heart of the SFR & RED offerings

The FLOA payment solutions have seen real success, and have become fully-fledged components of our partners’ offerings. By increasing the average basket and catch rate, they are tools for upgrading customers and generating additional margins.


Thanks to the activation of 4X and 24X free of charge, an average basket :




at customer service


at points of sale


A service that has become essential for RED’s target customer.


Up to 60% catch rate with 4X

Discover our Success Stories

Discover how FLOA has impacted our customers' business!

An innovative partnership for an enhanced customer experience

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How Floa boosted Kuanto Kusta's sales with its instalment facility

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Would you like to try out the FLOA offering? Contact our teams for a live demo of our services!

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