A loan is a binding commitment and must be repaid. Please ensure that you are able to make the repayments before committing yourself.

Home & Decor

Several partners specialising in the home and decor sector have already adopted our payment solutions. Their customers can thus use this standout service to complete their home decor projects with peace of mind.

Our success stories
Home & Decor

Mon canapé


Moncanape.com offers a wide selection of corner sofas, sofa beds, and recliners to meet all its customers’ needs. Our solutions for payment in 3, 4(1), and 10(2) instalments help customers complete purchases with peace of mind.

Partner with FLOA

All our Home & Decor partners

Logo Fabrique de styles

Fabrique de Styles

Fabrique de Styles sells on-trend and designer furniture using our payment in instalments(3) solution. 

Visit the partner website

Contact your Home / Decor sales representatives* 

Céline MORREEL / Guillaume RACINE

Do you run a Home & Decor business? Our specialised advisors are available to help you integrate split payment solutions. Customer management made easy. Offer your customers the ultimate payment experience! 


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