A loan is a binding commitment and must be repaid. Please ensure that you are able to make the repayments before committing yourself.

High tech

Several partners specialising in electronics, computers, smartphones, video games and consoles have already subscribed to our payment solutions, giving their customers the option to pay for their purchases in instalments.

Our success stories
High Tech



SFR, one of France’s leading telecommunications service providers, has partnered with FLOA for our payment in instalments solution. This enables their customers to pay for their purchases in 4(1),12(2) and 24 instalments, especially for the mobile, internet and TV offerings.

Partner with FLOA

All our Hight-tech partners



Red by SFR has integrated our payment in 4(1), 12, and 24 instalments solution, thus making it easier to purchase mobile, internet, and TV offerings, with or without a plan.

Visit the partner website


Pixmania has integrated our solution to pay in 3(3) to 36(4) instalments for online purchases of consumer electronics.

Visit the partner website

Contact your High-tech sales representatives* 

Kevyn Calabro

Do you run a business in the High-tech sector? Our specialised advisor is available to help you integrate instalment payment solutions. Customer management made easy. Offer your customers the ultimate payment experience! 

Contactez Kevyn

No-fee payment in 4 instalments to stimulate holiday bookings post COVID. 

Read the success story

Implementing solutions tailored to the target market, products, and multi-channel journeys.

Read the success story

Request a demo

Would you like to try the FLOA offering? Contact our teams for a live demo of our service! 

Watch a demo