A loan is a binding commitment and must be repaid. Please ensure that you are able to make the repayments before committing yourself.


Discover our payment in instalments solution offered by a range of partners selling fashion products, beauty supplies, appliances, or services. 

Our success stories



Cdiscount, France’s leading e-commerce platform, offers a wide range of products, from electronics to beauty products, household items and gardening supplies. By integrating our solution for payment in 4(1)(2) instalments, Cdiscount provides a more convenient and accessible shopping experience.

Partner with FLOA

All our Generalist partners

casino drive

Casino Drive

Leading mass retailer Casino Group sells a wide range of products and gives customers the option to pay in 10 instalments(3) at Casino Drive, for non-food goods.

Visit the partner website
Tom & Co

Tom & Co

Tom & Co carries a range of pet products and provides online and in-store customers the option of payment in 3 and 4(1)(4) instalments and Pay Later.

Visit the partner website

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Want to speak to an advisor?

Are you looking for a payment solution for your business? Our specialised advisors are available to help you integrate payment in instalments. Customer management made easy. Offer your customers the ultimate payment experience! 

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Discover our success stories

No-fee payment in 4 instalments to stimulate holiday bookings post COVID. 

Read the success story

Implementing payment solutions tailored to the target market, products, and multi-channel journeys.

Read the success story

Request a demo

Would you like to try the FLOA offering? Contact our teams for a live demo of our service! 

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