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Published on 25/07/2023

FLOA: UX1 expertise constantly winning awards

Since being established, FLOA’s mission has been to deploy services and products that facilitate customers’ daily lives. But for us, making life easier for consumers also means improving their experience, whether that’s with smoother customer journeys, fast processes, or innovations that meet real needs.  


Caroline Rosset, our digital marketing and acquisition manager, confirms this. UX1 is at the heart of all our strategies, and all of the developments that are created at FLOA. Our experts and their teams study customer irritants (elements that disturb them during their journey) on a daily basis. These analyses are essential for creating new solutions and new services that improve the user experience.  


FLOA’s goal is to provide our customers with ever simpler and smoother experiences

How? Thanks to a continuously improved UX1! Whether it’s for consumers or for merchants, customer experience is at the very heart of all FLOA projects. We fully integrate UX1 into our banking innovation processes. We’re always looking for more fluidity in order to simplify customer journeys, or reduce the amount of personal data to be entered.

In this digital era consumers are looking for ease, more flexibility, fluidity, and immediacy. 80% of them expect personalised experiences2. At FLOA these new uses are not only understood, but also fully integrated. We have set ourselves the goal of simplifying access to financial services, and removing any existing obstacles and constraints in order to facilitate payments. We have chosen to create a 100% digital bank that’s resolutely customer-oriented.

And FLOA was rewarded at the Content Square UX1 Awards in the “Best conversion funnel”3 category. This trophy further demonstrates the quality of the online experience that we provide to our customers. The jury highlighted our strong personalisation strategy, as well as our transparent shopping funnel which takes accessibility into account.

“The customer experience is at the heart of our strategy and of all our developments. We make a strong commitment to our customers and partners: that of simplifying banking. To do this, we’re constantly identifying and analysing customer irritants, notably through data reporting4 on Contentsquare, as well as via feedback from out internal departments (notably customer relations). This analyses enable us to develop new solutions for improving our customer journeys and launching new services,”

said Caroline Rosset, digital marketing and acquisition manager.

Smoother experiences

The importance of testing for improving our customer experience

At FLOA we’re never short of innovative ideas: payment in 4 instalments5, mini-loans6, electronic signatures, etc. And to achieve these results we never forget about customer experience, which has to be ultra-fluid. We’re also very quick to invest in the latest technologies, in order to continually develop our UX1 expertise.

We therefore work with Content Square to analyse and understand user behaviour on our website and mobile app. This allows us to identify areas for improving the UX1 or friction points, for example. And in terms of tracking tools7, we found none that are available on the market to be satisfactory. So we created our own solution for recording and analysing user behaviour.

“We received an award from Google without actually applying (we were identified automatically) for form transformation on a SEA8 landing page: the journey from the landing page8 to the end of the form. We have also been recognised by Contentsquare and AB Tasty for the quality and performance of our conversion funnels.”

- Caroline Rosset, digital marketing and acquisition manager.

Award from Google

Pushing the limits to seek out the very best

Every day at FLOA we challenge ourselves to develop the easiest products and solutions for our customers:

  • 100% digital subscription process,
  • powerful chatbots9 able to provide rapid and personalised responses to incoming requests,
  • maximised data security,
  • risk and fraud prevention,

We push our limits to develop innovative products that meet our users’ needs. We use the best tools available on the market to identify needs, expectations, and create solutions that satisfy them. We always think outside the box, mobilising all of our talents to improve the user experience provided to our customers.

“We use the best tools available on the market to identify needs and always be at the cutting edge, we stick to our goals and we push our limits. And if we can’t find anything with good enough performance on the market, we develop in-house tools: that’s how we came to create our ultra-precise internal tracking tool.”

Caroline Rosset, digital marketing and acquisition manager

Pushing the limits

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