A loan is a binding commitment and must be repaid. Please ensure that you are able to make the repayments before committing yourself.

Published on 24/07/2023

The importance of customer relations in the banking sector

You want competent customer service, and above all, responsiveness. Good news: those are our priorities at FLOA. We place customer relations at the heart of all our actions, with one goal: your satisfaction.

Tony Chavatte, Customer Experience Director at FLOA confirms this. In 2023, FLOA was once again voted* customer service of the year. We were also awarded for our innovations in customer relations. Studies and feedback from our customers make us proud, and further commit us to continuing our work on ever more relevant customer service.

Customer relations Customer relations

FLOA: attentive customer relations

FLOA has always made it a point of honour to provide its partners with a customer service that is responsive and, above all, always available. We want to be there for all of our customers, and on every channel. Users have questions, and it’s important that we can answer them 24/7.

Customers are satisfied, and our efforts have paid off. And for the first year, FLOA was voted* Customer Service of the Year 2023 in the Payment Solutions category1. This award showcases our expertise in customer relations, which focus on proximity and simplicity. It also validates FLOA’s customer-centric2 strategy, based on new uses and the personalisation of customer relations. And to simplify our customers’ experiences, we have opted for:

  • digitising our services;
  • automated subscription processes, assisted and accessible 24/7;
  • integrating digital channels (chatbot3, instant messaging, etc.) so as to provide customer relations in line with consumers’ expectations.

Our company was also voted* Customer Service of the Year 2023 in the credit organisations category, for the third year in a row. This is no coincidence: this is the result of the hard work of our teams. As a reminder, this award rewards companies with the best customer relations. Our company also won:

  • the Content Square’s CX Awards4 in the “Best Conversion Funnel5” category;
  • the AB Tasty UX Awards for customer experience;
  • the Finance UX Benchmark Trophy6 from Google in the Credit category.

All of these awards are the result of our constant attention to customer relations, that we provide to the people who put their trust in us.

“FLOA has once again been voted* customer service of the year! As well as this recognition, we have received awards for our innovations in customer relations: a CX Award for our unified CRM platform, and a Cas d’Or du Digital award for our emotional analysis approach to customer satisfaction. This is a real source of pride for us, and is the fruit of much thorough work by our teams and the result of a complete transformation, both digital and cultural.”

- Tony Chavatte, Customer Experience Director at FLOA.


FLOA: committed to a easier life and a customer experience tailored to new uses

Currently, 50% of customer interactions take place on digital channels. In 2017, that percentage was 5%8. And 70% of users prefer to communicate with the company via a written message, rather than by telephone when these two options are offered to them9.

Once again, in order to meet these expectations, we are reviewing our models. Currently we can be contacted via social media, instant messaging, chatbot3, email, phone, etc. As you can see, we’re constantly listening to our customers and our partners. And at the same time we’re focusing on speed, agility and adaptability to meet all of your needs.

“At FLOA we are entrepreneurial and ambitious by nature. We like to test and learn10. It’s this DNA that has allowed us to transform that Customer Relationship into 100% digital one, from a telephone & mail model. Artificial Intelligence tools are now allowing us to very finely analyse customer irritants, in order to constantly improve customer experience and relations”

- Tony Chavatte, customer experience director at FLOA.

Easier life and a customer experience

Constantly reinventing the customer experience: this is the driving force behind FLOA

A streamlined customer journey, easy-to-use digital services, split payments11, as you know, at FLOA, we’re never short on innovation. But our services are not limited to issuing bank cards or making loans or payments. We provide you with a complete payment experience thanks to:

  • a clear customer journey;
  • record response times;
  • a high-end level of service.

Basically we want to innovate so that everything is easier for you, and give you support anytime you need us.

“FLOA is a partner of fintechs12. We have a whole ecosystem of solutions for meeting precise and specific needs. We adapt to their CRM tools7 (for example, chat interfaces). We have put in place 24/7 connected chatbots, available via apps12 and preferred channels. It’s a benefit for fintech partners12, but also, and above all, for customers.”

- Tony Chavatte, Customer Experience Director at FLOA.

Floa cup

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