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Published on 27/10/2023

Spread out your payments: making medical care more accessible

More and more, people are having difficulty paying for medical treatments. Out-of-pocket expenses are a significant barrier for new patients. The cost of optical equipment, hearing aids, or dental care represents a substantial expenditure. Payment in instalments is becoming a more popular alternative to cash payment. Let’s explore the advantages of payment in instalments. 

Spread out your payments Spread out your payments

Payment in instalments: a solution to medical care expenses

Payment in instalments offers a practical financing solution to help cope with medical expenses. It spreads the repayment of out-of-pocket costs over several months. This convenient approach helps tackle the issue of forgoing medical treatment, as it allows patients to pay healthcare providers without having to wait until they've saved up the necessary funds.

Payment in instalments

Buy Now Pay Later: simplifying healthcare expenses

With FLOA, you can offer your patients and clients the convenience of breaking down their medical bills into manageable instalments. Let's take a closer look at the three most expensive areas: optical, hearing, and dental care.

Vision care: spreading the cost with monthly payments

Did you know that numerous people with vision problems go without glasses or contact lenses? What’s the solution? Payment in instalments may hold the key. Considering the substantial cost of lenses, ranging from €300 for standard ones to over €500 for progressives, a financing solution can help cover these expenses1. It’s a practical way to ease the out-of-pocket burden for the 16 million French citizens who invest in their vision every year.

Our case example: Payment in instalments is the perfect solution for the entire vision care industry, with companies like Opticiens Conseil, Bordelaise de Lunetterie, Cercle d’Optique, and Mi Optico choosing our products to assist their clients.

Vision care: spreading the cost with monthly payments

Hearing aids: buying devices made easy with payment in instalments

In the realm of hearing devices, the price tags can seem daunting. After receiving reimbursements from the public health insurance body (€120) and from their complementary private insurer (€350), individuals with hearing impairments often face a total expense of nearly €1,000 to obtain the necessary equipment. Currently, only 20% of those with hearing difficulties opt for hearing aids1. With Buy Now Pay Later solutions, more people could afford to get the help they need.

Our case example: FLOA collaborates with Audio Pour Tous, which boasts a network of more than 26 hearing centres across France. This allows their clients the flexibility to pay in instalments (spanning from 4 to 48 months2) when obtaining hearing aids to ensure their comfort.

Hearing aids: buying devices made easy with payment in instalments

Dental care: spacing out treatment costs

The average cost of a ceramic-metal dental crown is approximately €550, and it can go over €1,000 for other types of crowns1. Opting for payment in instalments allows patients greater flexibility in the way they approach dental care.

Our case example: Dentelia oversees 17 dental clinics in France. They have chosen the FLOA solution to assist their patients in covering their treatment costs. We also have the trust of Smile2Impress.

Dental care: spacing out treatment costs

Ready to make quality healthcare more accessible? Explore FLOA solutions today!

Our Buy Now Pay Later solutions offer a practical and concrete alternative to tackle the financial challenges associated with medical care. Their flexibility is the key to their effectiveness: from deferred payment3 to payment in 3 or 44 instalments. Our solutions adapt to your clients’ needs. No matter the type of care (optical, dental, or hearing), they allow access to quality healthcare while spreading out the cost. Start offering your clients and patients the choice to split their payments! Haven't considered this option before? Curious to learn more? Contact us now

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